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Marie Bardot & l'association Diamant

Pour Lily et les 600 000 autistes de France

Marie Bardot Médium Artiste Thérapie
Marie Bardot Médium Artiste Thérapie
Tableau Soie 15
Expo p08
Marie Bardot Médium Artiste Thérapie
Marie Bardot Médium Artiste Thérapie
Act_Lily 11
Marie Et Lily
Marie Bardot Médium Artiste Thérapie
Capture d’écran 2016-12-12 à 09.30.37
Capture d’écran 2016-12-11 à 23.32.55
Capture d’écran 2016-12-06 à 10.24.52
Marie Bardot Médium Artiste Thérapie
Marie Bardot Médium Artiste Thérapie
Art shop 01
Marie Bardot Médium Artiste Thérapie
Marie Bardot Médium Artiste Thérapie
Marie Bardot Médium Artiste Thérapie
Marie Bardot Médium Artiste Thérapie
Marie Bardot Médium Artiste Thérapie
Marie Bardot Médium Artiste Thérapie
Marie Bardot Médium Artiste Thérapie
Marie Bardot Médium Artiste Thérapi1
Marie Bardot Médium Artiste Thérapie
Marie Bardot Médium Artiste Thérapie
Unesco 03
Capture d’écran 2016-10-21 à 14.05.22_edited
Marie Bardot Médium Artiste Thérapie
Marie Bardot Médium Artiste Thérapie
Marie Bardot Médium Artiste Thérapie
Marie Bardot Médium Artiste Thérapie

Today an artist, producer, magnetist, energist, and medium, Marie BARDOT was first a teacher, professor of French in England (at Gravesend in Kent) and then professor of English and French for the Éducation Nationale in Auvergne. 


During her career, she had the chance to teach a variety of classes from the sixth year at the Terminale to technical classes and even the CPPN. 

This allowed her to have a wide range of enriching audiences. At times she managed large classes but her experience in the field and positive disposition helped transmit her love of English and French to her students. 


In 1991, to continue her professional growth, Marie moved to Toulouse where she has since remained. There, she obtained a position as project manager in communication and personal development at the Centre Régional de Formation de la Sécurité Sociale.  

It was love at first sight for Marie towards the city of Toulouse and her profession. 

At the CRFPP, she taught administrative writing, courses for reception, communication and public speaking. She lead the future executives of the institution in managing their education and training. 


In the meantime, during the weekends, she trained in sophrology and obtained two diplomas: Caycedian relaxation therapist and sports relaxation therapist. 


She also studied at the holistic school ISSA and at the school of naturopathy of Michel Dogna who taught her homeopathy, gemtherapy (care through crystals), aromatherapy, nutrition, reflexology, oligotherapy and therapeutic massage among other things. 


All of these experiences helped her personal development courses at the CRFPP and became modules titled “Consciousness of self, understanding of self”. 

As a rule, at the end of each training, the executive or administrative trainees evaluate their instructor. This evaluation goes to the senior management whose role is to make sure the instructors always perform well, are knowledgeable and are the best (because they are in competition with the other training offices in the private domain). 


During these years Marie worked for the Caf, Urssaf, Cpam and Cram of the Midi-Pyrenees basin where she taught with joy, ardor, and dynamism all the materials that she holds dear. 


And then the magic of life changed everything. 

Ancre 1


“She will be autistic, will you welcome her and care for her?”

Ancre 2

A message prepared her two years ahead, of the birth of her daughter:

“She will be autistic, will you welcome her and care for her?” 


In 1995, coming home from work, she suddenly received messages through clairaudience and through automatic writing, as well as the gift of healing either in person or at a distance. 


Her life opened in an unexpected way and she then became an energetician, magnetician and medium


The first message she received was the following: 


“Do you know who you are? You are Sunbird… You are my bird, you are the bird of God. Light a candle, I will draw you… You will bring back peace and celebration on Earth” 


She carried out the task and lit a candle. In melting, the wax formed a magnificent dove. She made 700 in total; 700 wax doves on a glass plaque. 

It was through the magic of life and magic of God! 


Another message prepared her two years ahead of the birth, of the arrival of her daughter:

“She will be autistic, will you welcome her and care for her ?” 


Marie responded yes to the call. 

Again through automatic writing, she received the first name of her daughter:

“She will be called Lily. 

While working at the CRFPP and caring for people with her new gifts of healing, she had the most wonderful pregnancy, an absolute satisfaction and joy. 

She also received many divine signs tied to the dove and purity (see photos). 


In all of these messages that she received, God did not have any religious connotation

It is the Creator Energy, the force of life, love and light. 


The day before the birth of Lily, a lily that Marie had planted blossomed before her eyes (see photo) and a large milky trail sparkled above the roof of her house, indicating the imminent arrival of her baby. 


The first experiences of life for a little autistic girl. 

Ancre 3

A little girl, adored, pampered, beautiful, a true little angel. 

Lily grew normally but little by little started to show some stereotypies. 

She fixated on lights, watched water go down the drain for hours, tear off wallpaper and carpeting, climbed on the furniture, slammed doors all day long laughing while doing so…

She also had obsessions, playing with drills and lighters. 


The general doctor diagnosed her with autism at 17 months old. 

Exuberant, mischievous, joyous, Lily loves to spend time with others and is very social!


After much searching, Lily was accepted into a daycare in Grenade, close to Toulouse. She was very welcomed there and integrated perfectly, learning social cues, how to use the toilet, to play with the other children and participate at snack-time. 

Everybody loved her! 


“Following the rules in place, we were asked to vaccinate Lily with the injection BCG. A few hours after the injection, Lily went into spasms and fell into a coma. At the Hospital Purpan, she reawoke. In addition, I used my energy healing techniques to care for Lily and she recovered well. My goodness what a scare!”


“I am not saying that we must oppose vaccination, I had them myself and it all went well...Yet in fragile bodies like that of my daughter, it is best to reflect thoroughly!” 


Lily recovered quickly, without any lasting effects, but it was at the hospital that the neurologist saw that she was autistic. Throughout the world the word “autistic” calls to mind “school with special aids” or “ABA school” (see definition on the site). 


“In France in 2000, autism is equated to psychiatric problems” 

The difficulties began there. Even though Lily was going to a nursery, then a Montessori school (bilingual school that was open regarding individual differences in children), Marie was constrained to accept a weekly visit at home from a psychiatric nurse. 


“It was very destabilizing for everyone because she would sit down and not say a word and then leave. She was also very intrusive. She already wanted to place Lily in a psychiatric hospital but I said no because I wanted Lily to go to school! She continued her schooling at Montessori. She radiated, functioning through imitating her classmates, learning the rules, doing little chores with the others, playing in the courtyard and in the fort."


She participated at snack-time and at celebrations. Since it was a bilingual school, Lily understood the instructions whether they were in French or English even though she couldn’t speak. It was wonderful to see her surrounded by her peers and standing as straight as an “i” in her class photo! (see photo).

Unfortunately at the end of her second year of nursery school (heavenly years for her), because of a lack of an auxiliary aid for her in the class, it was necessary to leave Montessori and find another placement. 

"The institutes were full to the breaking point, with waiting lists kilometers long, no hope in sight ! A real humanitarian disaster, no place for the autistic community! I opted for the public nursery school and requested that they accept her for two more years in nursery school in a normal environment since she did not pose any problems at the other school. And there, all I can say is that it is the lottery. Either one chances upon altruistic and understanding people or…” 


At the public school they refused her the right to be educated because she is handicapped and non verbal. The law that obliges the national system of education to teach students with handicaps will be voted on six months later! No luck!


You can find here the assessments of the Pedagogic Director of the Montessori school and those of the Lily’s nursery. 

Internée sans raison en psychiatrie
Internée sans raison en psychiatrie
Internée sans raison en psychiatrie
Internée sans raison en psychiatrie
Internée sans raison en psychiatrie
Internée sans raison en psychiatrie


When Autism rhymes with exclusion, internment, and mistreatment…

Ancre 4

It was there that began a steep descent into hell. 

The testimony of Marie resonates in the ears of all the families with autistic children…


“I insisted on showing the evaluation of Lily at the Montessori school, her adaptation, her pleasure to be among her peers, her photos, but…

They would not allow Lily more than twice a week at the school, in the name of socialization, but they refused her right to be educated. Harsh reality and nothing to do about it, not even the help of the ex-mayor because he felt powerless to change the position of the director.” 


Lily settled into the school and integrated herself easily, following the others, having fun and continuing to learn by observing the students, through imitation like always. The children loved her and chanted her name “Lily, Lily!”, when she arrived in the morning! They all waited for her, she was so new to them! She doesn’t speak! So what? But she was always smiling and playing with them. She was the mascot, the queen! 


Pictured below, Lily at the nursery school. Her latest years at the school where she was happy, loved and surrounded by friends which would be followed by internment in a psychiatric hospital that would shatter her life and leave her sick, in total self-destruction. 

Lily à l'école maternelle
Lily à l'école maternelle
Lily à l'école maternelle
Lily à l'école maternelle
Lily à l'école maternelle
Lily à l'école maternelle

“This would strongly displease the Director, who did not like children who were different, even less so when they held the admiration and fascination of their peers! She would call the academic inspector and psychiatrist. They would then deprive Lily of the classroom aide (which would come to condemn her because she could no longer function alone without an aide) and they seated her separately in the back of the class. 


Through pure discrimination, they locked her in a psychiatric ward against my will a few months later. As a mother and a teacher they could not have done worse to me. It is in this period in 2003 that I created the association Diamant, the objective of which is to defend the RIGHT to care and education for the autistic community.” 


“I am living in a personally dramatic situation but that does not stop me from helping others.” 


To defend Lily, Marie contested the decision. They had her come before a Commission (a real tribunal) of 26 people. She didn’t know who these people were because no one presented them. Marie learned that some of them were coming from social security, others from the board of national education, so she kept confidence being “from the neighborhood”. 


Unfortunately, the academic inspector called the shots, yelling, insulting and accusing her of wanting to impose her child in the national education system. She would also accuse her of not wanting care for Lily by refusing to put her in the psych ward. 


“I am in a nightmare…

It is them who are hurting her, those who are ruining her life in removing her from school. I am doing nothing but defending her rights! I will not win and none of the 26 people will support me. 

My daughter will be locked away, definitively locked away…”


They permitted themselves to take Lily out of school and they only gave her two hours of care twice a week at the day hospital! Incredible! An unsanitary day hospital with dirty black walls and floors, with panelling stripped everywhere, a nauseating odor…

Marie refused again and contacted the general director of the hospitals. He conducted a sanitary control and decided to construct a new hospital. 

Marie won but it would take two years to build. 

Lily would have to stay in the old hospital and wait. Since she was only given 4 hours of care a week, Marie left her position as project manager and lost her job so that she could provide for the care of Lily. 

Marie lost everything: salary, rights, career prospective, colleagues, projects…


“I found myself alone after a painful divorce and without any income other than two years of ASSEDICS followed by a slim allocation of solidarity. 

In fact, I would later learn that they were robbing me because I had the right to an allocation of parental presence (more than 1000 euros a month but they refused to give it to me). 

When it rains it pours! A good umbrella is necessary. 

The faith helped. Mental fortitude, working to defend a cause and help others amplified this strength. 

There are also some reactions that hurt! Everybody let me fall, excluded me from everything because I am an energetician, medium and mother of a handicapped child. Total discrimination…

I was familiar with the profound isolation of parents who have autistic children or children who are rejected because they are different” 


The newspapers were well titled: “The autism scandal, the great solitude of parents”


In the psychiatric ward Lily went in circles, was afraid, was terrorized by the serious psychiatric cases that were around her. They were all mixed together because they put whoever with whoever and they were poorly supervised or not at all. 

Lily mixed with violent patients and ones who were much older, 14 or 16 years old...She was only 6. 


“One must be crazy to lock away a 6 year old child to a life in a psych ward, especially because autism is not a mental illness but a neurobiological problem tied to genetics” 


“Another horror to live through: there was no right to know who are these other children and what troubles they are suffering from; medical confidentiality. A great excuse. I as her mother need to know, so I asked these legitimate questions. They saw me as intrusive when I asked what she was going to do, who was going to take care of her…” 


In fact, every time that one of these questions annoyed them and there was no real response to give, they accused Marie of being intrusive and they looked at her as if she had the problem! 


“I put my finger on their flaws, their lack of training, lack of pedagogical method and organization, of course that bothered them! I am well trained having worked for over 15 years in the National Education and at the training center for social security” 


There, it is the jungle, a big mess. 

No inspections like in the National Education, no programs to respect, no exams! They are the only masters on board and they do what they want, making sure to represent themselves to the families as THE medical power. But Lily is not sick, she is just autistic! Marie didn’t stop telling them. They were not making a difference, not understanding that everywhere else in the world, autistic people were put into ABA schools not into a psych ward. 


“I do not banish the psychiatric hospital in itself because it can be very useful in helping psychologically traumatized people when they are having an episode. It can also help those who could be violent towards themselves or others. It also saves those who have repeated suicide attempts…

However, concerning Lily and others like her, they have no right to take away their education. To me it was criminal to ruin her life when everything was going so well! 

My daughter should have stayed in school with her aide because that was her place. She was later placed in Cliss and then Ulyss, instead of going to a day hospital and un IME, where she suffered and declined…” 


Maybe some autistic people are happy in psychiatry, but not Lily!

Incidentally, Lily never set the table nor ate at the day hospital. She totally regressed…

Each case is different! Each child, whether they be verbal or non-verbal, has their own sensitivities and needs. What mirror did they offer Lily throughout all these years? 

Madness, cries, violance, wandering. 

To go from a Montessori school to a psychiatric hospital would disturb and destroy anyone, especially at a young age! 


From these experiences in psychiatric internment, years will follow full of mistreatment (physical, psychological, etc.), and notably sexual abuse for certain children around her who became even more victimized by the psychiatric system. 


It is not a secret, it is unfortunately the case in many establishments. The show “Special Envoy” did an hour long episode that is on their site. 

Each time that Marie fought to free Lily from these places (HP and IME) they threatened to block her benefits because they knew that she didn’t have anything but that to live on (the perversity of the system). 

They threatened her to take away Lily and to send social services if she still wanted to take her out of the day hospital. They made her keep quiet out of fear. Marie didn’t have any other way out, no more right to education and no IME in sight. No place nowhere, Lily was 54th on the waiting list for 3 IME in Toulouse. 


“No ABA school, but it was still my dream that she could have the chance to attend. There was one in Paris and I visited but Lily was 43rd on the waiting list so there was no hope. 

Each time I contested the decision regarding the psychiatric hospital, I was called in and promised anything so they could appease me: “your daughter will soon be placed in a magnificent institute or she is on the list of the lucky ones who will go to the day hospital that we are building where everything will be perfect, individualized…”


In fact, Marie endured years of promises, of lies, of betrayals because Lily was never admitted anywhere. Years of begging so Lily could quit the day hospital and go to an IME because she thought it would be better for Lily. But it is the same psychiatric team that manages both establishments! 


“It wasn’t said at the beginning that I had hoped and begged for nothing. It took 6 years of waiting for Lily to be integrated full time into IME (educational medical institute). Another betrayal, I learned through the local journal that a CLISS (integrated class) had opened one year after Lily’s interment in the psychiatric hospital, in her old nursery… a beautiful integrated class with real teachers and aides, where Lily would have been so happy with her friends! Nobody informed me! I then asked if Lily could be included in the class but the MDPH (department of handicap) refused because Lily had already gotten used to the psychiatric hospital. 

I would live years of horror, of distress and during this time Lily would destroy herself in the psychiatric ward and the IME. She would never have the right to mingle with the verbal handicapped children under the pretext that she didn’t speak. She would be with children and young adults who were disturbed and violent and she would begin to resemble them as a result of being constantly surrounded by them. 

She would also become very violent herself, she had NEVER been like that before! 

She would destroy the whole house, the windows, headbutting the doors, the furniture, me (I had to go see the kinesiologist, the osteopath, and even go to the hospital because would hit me while I was driving the car).” 


Lily broke 10 windshields in 8 years that she would smash by kicking, to decompress every time she left the IME. All the violence that she withstood, she made Marie submit to as they arrived home. For 30 minutes every evening, Marie would have the impression of being with Tyson; raining punches and everything exploding. Then, she would return to normal, she would fall asleep, calm down, find her joy and then Marie would recognize her real Lily, cuddly, cheerful, adorable. 


“What have they done to you my love? A life of craziness, that’s what they’ve done to you and I…”


“When Lily was sick (6 or 7 epileptic attacks per week in IME), I saved her by giving her care through energy and she developed a depigmentation on her chest, over her heart, in the form of a dove. 

It was a sign that despite all the darkness, she was protected by the divine energy and by her mother…” 

Because Lily lived in a toxic environment, they wanted to calm her through medicine instead of understanding why she was sick. When Marie spoke about it to the psychiatrist and explained that Lily was not in the right place, that she must go back to school because the psychiatric hospital makes her violent, he responded: “yes it’s true, she became violent, but it’s a shame because here we don’t have any isolation chambers!” Marie was appalled…


“They made her swallow tons of medication because the neurologist and the psychiatrist stick together, a real chemical straight jacket! I, as a therapist, am in a dark rage and it is not the homeopathy and massages that can cure Lily, they relieve her is all! 

The chemical straightjacket is too important. It is useless! 

Since I lost sleep because of all this suffering that I endured through my child, during the night I write, I defend the rights of the 600,000 autistic people in France, I care for people far from me with my gifts, I paint and compose, I tell my story through art. 


I speak through the press as well and I receive many articles (see on the site). During the say I care for people and then I exercise and unwind. When they refuse for the 10th time to change my daughter’s group, that they don’t respect me and that they destroy her, I yell at the top of my voice in my car to get rid of all the anger and distress. It frees me. I come back pacified and I care for people as if nothing was wrong. They have no idea of the hell I live because I show nothing, I smile, give advice, help with all my might…” 


Marie and the association Diamant defend the rights to care and education for the 600,000 people in the autistic community in France. 

Ancre 5

“Helping others also helps me to overcome my troubles”. 


“I will fight the IME with all of my strength, I will cry loud and strong that we must educate my daughter with the ABA method. They will say “no” because they don’t even know what was current twelve years ago! 

They are missing everything: training, knowledge, money to buy teaching material, and competent and trained staff. 

It is up to me to give them everything for training. It is me who writes the checks so that they can buy the materials each time I organize galas, concerts, events. I am ready to do anything out of love for my daughter. They will take years before becoming open minded to new educative methods (ABA, PECS, etc: voir mon site). I will wage combate to change their minds, to push them to work, so that they become interested and they educate themselves. I have the impression that there are dinosaurs in front of me, like many other parents who are living the same thing, I just want to knock them out, those who mock me and my daughter…


The parents around me are also devastated, but others don’t say anything because they are just happy to have been able to accommodate their child. At the political level, I have written to the various government heads to alert them to and explain the dramatic situation for the autistic community but the response is similar: an assumed attitude of “I don’t give a crap”, a collective cowardice. “Yes yes! We will take care of it, we’re there!” 


3 governmental plans for autism will come to light under President Sarkozy and President Hollande. 

The pressure on the presidents from the associations builds, a violent anger rumbles but nothing changes! 

“Go to Belgium if there is nothing in France !”... Look what their response is. 

Go to Belgium with what? 3000 families will leave the country. 

Me, I don’t have the financial means and I have my house to pay off. 

And then why should I have to leave when it is the government’s responsibility! 


France pays a fortune to Belgium to educate their autistic children, a real embarassment instead of making schools in our own country! (see video). France also pays a fortune to the day hospitals and IME. 700 euros even more, per day per child, so that they can go in circles, sit in boredom and fall into a downslide in psychiatric care when an ABA school would cut the cost and would be adapted to their needs…


When this method is used 6 hours a day every day, from 42% to 70% of autistic children are able to return to normal schooling. It has been scientifically proven for 60 years! 

We are the ONLY country to not use it. A life of fighting, of begging, here’s what I’ve lived, repeating myself like a parrot, incessantly, but never losing the faith and the light despite the difficulties. 

Always pleading for education to be a RIGHT! 

I should not have to beg! All of this fight will benefit the other children and this is already amazing, but it does not help my daughter! 

Over the course of many years and because of being with violent children and yelling instructors, Lily will suffer more and more epileptic crises. She would have them during the night and I would be there to help her, calm her, love her. She would also have them during the day, up to 6 or 7 per week, because she is unhappy and self-destructive because she is not in the right place. 


"This made me panic more than anything, I was afraid for her life and that will also panic the general doctors that follow her. They will send letters to the IME and demand many times that she change groups. To add to the drama that I was already living, the atmosphere became more and more shady at the IME because an educator was caught and fired, taken away by the police and accused of the sexual touching and raping of 4 handicapped adolescents

Oppressive, unbearable! Each time I wanted to remove Lily from that IME they threatened me again. I prayed so much, and asked for help from “up there”...


That help arrived in an unexpected form: an adolescent bit violently Lily’s hand. My doctor attested to it and requested again that she change groups urgently. Once more refused! When it was my turn, I refused to put Lily back in the IME and they threatened me again. I was constrained to put her back in and the same adolescent attacked her from behind this time and bit her shoulder with all of her force. A bite of 8 centimeters that would take 15 days of care and dressing. That’s it! I had the bite recorded by numerous doctors and in tears I rushed to the General Counsel and to the City Hall


I explained, I warned, I explained everything, the mistreatment, the violence, the blackmail! They understood me right away. Thanks to the political help, my daughter was freed. I would have the right to care for her at home. They would try to take her away again 15 days later. 

“You must take her back to the IME, otherwise….” Now I am protected and supported politically, I am no longer afraid and they will take neither my daughter nor my benefits. I don’t have to risk anything anymore. The end of blackmail! Extortion and mistreatment that lasted 10 years! 


Social advances, testimonies, distinctions and ambitious projects for the autistic community in France. 

Ancre 6

Since 2012 Marie cares for her daughter at home. She has stabilized her and saved her life, helping her daily and teaching her. Today Lily is 20 years old! In five years she got back her health and happiness in life. Her epileptic attacks and violence have diminished by 80%. The medications as well. 

However, she is still non verbal but she makes herself understood. 


She participates in the 12 ateliers that her mother hosts for autistic or otherwise handicapped people. Mutual enrichment. 


Marie continues her fight by denouncing the difficult experiences she lived through and that are still inflicted on the families of the 600,000 autistic children (fault of adapted care). 

Through a petition that will collect 80,000 votes she will ask for the abolishment of interning autistic people in psychiatric care. They should be educated with other methods and be well supervised. The autistic community should also receive care because they often suffer from side effects of vaccines, chemical straight jackets, pesticides and a bad diet (trop de gluten, etc.)...


She also campaigns that we cease to send families in Belgium so that we instead create specialized schools and establishments here in France. 


There is a lot to do to make up for lost time! Wasted and misused time. 

It is a national embarrassment and France was even condemned 5 times by the European Counsel but until today they don’t care. 

By her divine gift, Marie continues to care for people: all types of sicknesses and handicaps, autism included. 


The 380 testimonies of healing can be read in the tab “soins” on the site. 


Important! Energetic care are complementary and do not replace medical care! 


Marie is a member of the Friends of Oncology of Toulouse and supports medicine. The medical world supports her as well in her fight, notable the PSRI (Promotion of Health Research and Innovation), the Toulouse Association presided over by Mr. Nestiri and the Professor Bugat who is the President on the Scientific Counsel. She recently had the chance to work for the ESA (European Space Agency) and Dr. Godard, doctor of Thomas Pesquet (astronaut, see site).

Her energetic healings can help medicine. 


Marie is an artist and painter as well, honored in France at the Grand-Palais, at the Carrousel du Louvre, at l’Espasce Pierre Cardin as well as in all the great art halls in the province. She also exhibits her art internationally in the United States of America (New York, Miami, Las Vegas), Canada, Japan, Cambodia, Italy, Hungary, and Mexico… Her spiritual works were quickly met with success and awarded many times. See paintings on the sight. 


Producer of concerts and albums, she wrote the musical comedy “Gold and Autism”, 31 songs inspired by her autobiographical journey. Singer, Marie performs all her songs and two of her albums are available for download on her site under the tab “music”. 


Since 1995, Marie uses her gifts to ease people’s suffering and decline through artistic forms all the divine messages that she has received: sagas on silk, poems, songs. 

She organises plays, galas, concerts, conferences and expositions of paintings to support autism. Catherine Lara and Cyprien Katsaris are the sponsors of her association but unfortunately could not help publicize the musical comedy. 


Thank you to the other celebrities and sponsors for opening doors! It is time! 


For the past fifteen years Marie has also participated in, in the capacity of therapist, speaker, and artist, in exhibitions and shows for alternative medicine, natural health and organic fairs. Her silk paintings often decorate the halls and are true ornamentation. Each work is magnetized and transports light, love, peace and spirituality. 


Her first album, “The kiss of the Angel” received the warm congratulations of Brigitte Bardot. Her second album “Love me simply” just released and talks about autism. Magnificent! A hymn to love and non discrimination. 

Many of the lyrics were awarded in the national competition of Literature; Art-Science-Literature, the French renaissance, the Anthology of French poets, etc. 


The work of Marie BARDOT is largely recognized and rewarded. 


She was decorated three times by Unesco, twice by the European Star for Civil and Military Dedication and last June by the Humanitarian Grand Prix of France

Honored at the SENAT by the SEP (Society of Encouragement towards Progress) and three times by the Society of Encouragement towards wellness (SEAB) for her humanitarian and artistic action for the autistic community. She also received the medal of French Merit and Devotion and 50 other medals that can be seen on this site. 


Active during the last elections defending autism, Marie was insurgent on BFM TV when no politician put forth this humanitarian cause (see video). 

The day after her “rant”, every political class wrote to her, and Emmanuel Macron, then candidate, promised to take a position and reiterate his engagement in issues regarding the autistic community during his debate with Marine Le Pen

Since his election to Presidency, Marie Bardot sent him a letter explaining the situation for autistic youth in France. 

President Macron and his wife responded very warmly (see letter), encouraging her fight, her musical comedy and her ABA school 


The times are changing and hope is reborn! 

It suffices to have good people in the government. 


Currently, Marie is asking financial support from anyone, sponsors, celebrities wanting to help realize her two projects. If you would like to do some good in life, this is the moment to help! 

For the love of Lily, so that she can finally go to a good school (ABA and energetic care SUNBIRD)! It is the gift that her mom would love to give her for her 20th birthday! 


The school is ready…

A beautiful villa of 200 m² all new with an enclosed garden. The furniture and the computers are there waiting! All that is needed is to finance the salaries of 12 educators and an accountant so that the ABA school Sunbird can begin in September. 

The file is in the hands of President Macron but anybody or any business wanting to help finance the project is welcome! This school can not wait any longer and neither can the children! 


Furthermore this will be the first REAL ABA school as it will be bilingual and have an educator per child, not to mention the energetic care that the autistic community loves. 

Be the first to help! 


Read here the letter of Madame Sophie Cluzel that has just arrived, the project is taking shape! 

Likewise for the musical comedy “Gold and Autism”...

The only work that tells through music the journeys of the 600,000 autistic people in France. This work could also be adapted into English and exported, because it is important to remember that autism exists everywhere in the world; in Korea 1 out of 38 children are autistic, in the USA 1 out of 68…

A call to the enlightened productions that will see the potential impact of this project. 

Biographie de Marie Bardot
Biographie de Marie Bardot
Biographie de Marie Bardot
Biographie de Marie Bardot
Biographie de Marie Bardot
Biographie de Marie Bardot
Rec 05
Biographie de Marie Bardot
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Biographie de Marie Bardot
Biographie de Marie Bardot
Biographie de Marie Bardot
Biographie de Marie Bardot
Biographie de Marie Bardot
Biographie de Marie Bardot
Biographie de Marie Bardot
Biographie de Marie Bardot
Biographie de Marie Bardotman d04
Biographie de Marie Bardot
Biographie de Marie Bardotcopie
Biographie de Marie Bardot
Biographie de Marie Bardoticoletta
Biographie de Marie Bardot
Biographie de Marie Bardot
Biographie de Marie Bardot
Biographie de Marie Bardot
Biographie de Marie Bardot
Biographie de Marie Bardot
Biographie de Marie Bardot
Capture d’écran 2017-03-29 à 22.25.39
Biographie de Marie Bardot
Biographie de Marie Bardot
Biographie de Marie Bardot




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